Our Care Options
Whether you are looking for long-term residential care, or shorter-term respite, here at Gorway House we are flexible, and happy to meet your needs.
We understand that not everyone has the same needs when looking for residential care, and that is why each and every resident at Gorway house has their own detailed care plan provided for them, as well as a personalised risk assessment. We can do this because we are a smaller, family-run business that takes time to get to know all of our residents closely.
We have had residents that have lived at Gorway House for many happy years and we are proud to have been their home and taken care of them for that time. Our well-designed and comfortable rooms allow residents their own personal and independent space which we encourage them to make their own.
If you would like to discuss any of the care options we offer, please do get in touch and talk to either Susan, Jenny or Faye by calling 01922 615515, emailing us on gorwayhouse@gmail.com, or by using our Contact Us page.
We very much look forward to hearing from you.